browwwsers cybercafé has been in existence for over 26 years (we don’t like being told we’re old).
Being one of the oldest and most reliable cyber cafe’s in Trinidad and the Caribbean, with a hard working and reliable staff, trust us when we say you wouldn’t want anyone else setting up your cyber cafe.
Some of our services

Computer Time
10 Minutes $3
30 Minutes $5
60 Minutes $10
Surf all day $40.00

Colour & Black & white Sizes: Letter | Legal | 11×17

Resume| Cover Letter| Rsignation| Recommendation|Authorization| Contract|Report|Survey Typing|
We type any kind of legal information.
26 yeras experience staff

Graphic Design
Company logo |Callcards|Tickets|Flyers|Invitation|
Numbering Ticket & more!|

Letter| Legal size is our largest at the moment, we also downsize & laminate vaccine card.

Passport Size pictures
Resume| Food Badge | School |DP
|Learners Permit |VISA & more !!